Monday, June 29, 2009

Our Duty

First to start on what we will do to fight our global oppresion is this: take CARE of the globe. I'm sure you already know how to recycle and conserve energy and all that stuff your parents and teachers nag you about, but let me just review.

#1. ThE 3 R's. These stand for reduce, reuse, recycle. If you ever heard that song by raffy it my sound familiar. Most people know what reuse and recycle mean, but " reduce" is sort of a misunderstood conceptn by many. Basically what it means is to is to by products will less wrapping and packing on them.

#2 Conserve Everything! Most people throw away their money on electricity bills, water bills, and gas bills because they use too much of it. When you wash your hands or brush your teeth be sure to use the amount neccesary and ONLY the amount neccesary. Another thing is to conserve electricity by unplugging your phone charger when it isn't in use and to turn of the lights when not in use. Gas conservation is pretty much a no-brainer.

# 4 Give! By that I mean get involved in in charity or one of those help a child in Africa or any program like that. When you help people you may be thinking , hey, what am I getting out of this? Well, to answer that question I must say that you are getting something out of it, Lovvvveee! As well as good Karma.

Well, that about wraps up most of what I could think of. And remember, you should start now or soon the whole world will be like this.


  1. ok zivan you better turn off the tv before you go to bed and unplug your laptop!

    Love mom

  2. Love the effort Zee... When you get a moment check out

    Love ya 4ever.
