Wednesday, July 7, 2010

As I am sure you are all aware, the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill has been laying waste to the natural world across several United States coastlines.I see many different ways this problem can be treated but I feel that others are misinterpreting what the real solution is.I have always said that it is always easier to blame to take responsibility for something, and right now I believe not many people are taking "real" action.One can speak and debate all one wants but when it comes down to it, you had better have something to show for it.Another thing I think is a very wide spread misconception is the fact that many people think this is the GREATEST and WORST ecological disaster in U.S history.Although(and I will not for a second hesitate to say this) this does rank up on one of the most devastating blunder that we have experience in a few decades I will not whopp this story to gargantuan sizes.I believe many are forgeting the massive contamination of Exxon Valdez in 1989 and how it wrecked over 1,300 miles of shoreline utterly obliterating the ecosystem there. One might even have the audacity to say that there is a "bright" side to this mountain of oily dischord. Environmentalists have said that this oil is less crude than the Exxon Valdez spill and burns more rapidly and evaporates much swifter.This just goes to show you the misinformity that the young fresh minds of today are being fed. Not only is it the kids that are being told radical assumptions but also the adults.It seems that the oil has not just poisened the waters of our Gulf, but poisened the waters of our society.I cannot even begin to tell you of the damage that this spill will cause to the economy.Not only will fishing and wildlife be marred by this dilemna, but tourism as well. Now,I realize that this spill is a great big red flag for the marine wildlife conservation, but there is also another giant indicator lurking behind the corner.It is the fact that over the course of a year about 706 million gallons of waste oil is thrown into the ocean.I hope that in this generation we can look upon the idiotic mistakes of this one and improve on it.Or it is plausible that most would rather listen to there iPods then do something.The choice is yours. ;D

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