Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hello again. If any of you heard, they found water on the moon. Now to some this my not be a big deal, but to me brought to them BY EARTH. Now I realize some of you don't see any point in it matters. Now, when we sent shuttles to the moon almost all of the water molecules we found on the rocks were almost definitely contamination's from EARTH. Now if any you think there is no use in funding, NASA, let me elaborate. NASA is important for many reasons but the main one is discovery. Think about how unintelligent a planet we would be if we live our lives never breaching the atmosphere. And some of the most mind-boggling discoveries about the universe ( or multiverse:O) have been found by a satellite sponsored by NASA! Anyways, back to the main area of interest, I don't find it surprising that they found water for two reasons. One I have always believed the the moon was once part of Earth so it is only natural that there be water on the moon. And two, small, super-fast particles of hydrogen ZIP through space and so does oxygen particles, so it is pretty apparent why we found water on the moon. One other thing I wanted to address is the investigation of terraforming Mars. Now, for those who don't understand what terraforming is, let me explain. Terra forming is basically the process of allowing life to form on a planet or any any other form of land. One of the problems with living on Mars is the cold. Since it's atmosphere is so incredibly thin, the amount of sunlight that hits the lonely planet is usually only moderately different than the output. One way NASA scientists believe they can warm it up is to use GLOBAL WARMING( DADA DUUUM!!). Now on Earth we dedicate entire shows to explain the dangers and negative impact of this, but on Mars, it could just be the ace in the hole us humans have been seeking. Since it would take a HUGE amount of money and not to mention time to transport fossil fuels from here to Mars, so researchers at Caltech are looking for the next best thing. Turns out there is a substance ( found on Mars!!:D) that gives a greenhouse effect ten thousand times large than coal. Hopefully we can find a way to get this brilliant idea to work.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The other day I came across a little site about cold fusion. For those out there who don't know about this science mumbo jumbo, let me clarify. Basically, this is when you separate the hydrogen and oxygen from water to generate heat, and therefore energy. Scientists around the world are still looking at this amazing form of energy. The awesome thing about this is that all you would need for power would be straight up seawater. Pretty cool, eh. Heres a link explaining all of it in greater detail.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Looking at it now, it is sort of funny how people say we're all connected but we could'nt be any further apart. I am fleetingly reminded of how the early American colonists slaughtered,maimed, or silenced anyone with a different point of view on life. People have this strange dendency to wrap themselves in ingnorance and ridicule others for not sharing their stupidity. Some call themselves CEO's. Anyway, I went to a school Social and it was basically like another Halloween. All the prizes that you were absolutely certain of winning were candy. Oh, that and soda. Today I went to the library and my friend Ashwin was there too. I played a game of chess with him and his defences crumbled beneath my strategic fingers. Now I know what you're thinking. Isn't this about the your "cause" and what-not. Well I figured I'd get a little personalon you even if for a momment. Back to the main topic! I was meaning to ask you guys what you thought of the abortion policies that Obama is about let out. Leave your comments below.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Hello fellers. I got some really good news y'all. I have now officially converted my entire blog to Spanish. Whoohoo. Well, aside from that I'll give some you guys some green advice. Anyways, remember yesterday when I told you fellers about algae? Well, as it turns out, certain companies are investing in algea farms.Algea farms are relatively small portions of land that grow algae for fuel. Although it replaces the Carbon Dioxide in the air that it absorbed in the first place when it is burned, it eliminates the need for large farms to harvest corn based fuels, saving money and trees. In fact, the US Department of Energy states that if we all immediately went to algae fuels, the farms would probably only cover 17,000 acres. Although this is coming from wikipedia, so you can never be sure. Speaking of which, I meant to show you a link to the greatest wikipedia failures and one about algae farms.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Alrighty then. I'm first going to touch base on a little science. Never fear, nothing that that nasty biology teacher would assign you. It's pretty simple. Ok. Now, as you know, plants require Co2 right? Well, sometimes even plants vcannot consume the amount of Co2 we ( the evil humans :d) put in the air. Know this however, the more we keep our plants healthy and thriving, and keep making more, they can take care of the CO2 conundrum, one tree at a time. Now, that being said, one of these plants has a the name ''algea". Algea has the remarkable ability to consume large amounts of CO2

at a time. Crazy, huh? Well think about it. If we just dropped everyhing and started preserving them in little jars, we would be able to take a significant amount CO2 from the air. To do this, just find or buy an empty pickle jar or something like it start filling it with algea from a pond. If you don't know what algea looks like, here's a link and picture.

Hello guys. Once again I've got some awesome green advice. First things first.I think anybody who reads this should definetly check out tthe Earth - friendly ideas that are posted on me what you think. Here are some right of the bat. :D you like them! Also always remember to take a look at the rest of the site too. It's the bomb!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

Our Duty

First to start on what we will do to fight our global oppresion is this: take CARE of the globe. I'm sure you already know how to recycle and conserve energy and all that stuff your parents and teachers nag you about, but let me just review.

#1. ThE 3 R's. These stand for reduce, reuse, recycle. If you ever heard that song by raffy it my sound familiar. Most people know what reuse and recycle mean, but " reduce" is sort of a misunderstood conceptn by many. Basically what it means is to is to by products will less wrapping and packing on them.

#2 Conserve Everything! Most people throw away their money on electricity bills, water bills, and gas bills because they use too much of it. When you wash your hands or brush your teeth be sure to use the amount neccesary and ONLY the amount neccesary. Another thing is to conserve electricity by unplugging your phone charger when it isn't in use and to turn of the lights when not in use. Gas conservation is pretty much a no-brainer.

# 4 Give! By that I mean get involved in in charity or one of those help a child in Africa or any program like that. When you help people you may be thinking , hey, what am I getting out of this? Well, to answer that question I must say that you are getting something out of it, Lovvvveee! As well as good Karma.

Well, that about wraps up most of what I could think of. And remember, you should start now or soon the whole world will be like this.
At the start of my blog, I would like to ask you to you to post up some fan art for my cause. Plzzzz!

Today is tommorow. This may sound weird but what I mean is that when we do things today we should also be THINKING about what it will affect in the future, and right now politicians, lazy scientists, and self absorbed public leaders are doing just the opposite. That is exactly why us, the children/adolescent/teen/preteen part of humanity must take charge and care of the planet we will inherit. I hope you will join me in the quest for global peace, equality, and the essence of humanity.